coach cynthia medina, enjoy wellness through mindfulness, the limitless woman


We are excited you have chosen to Level Up your knowledge and frequency here with us!
We hope you enjoy your journey here and refer your friends and colleagues. 
We are dedicated to your personal and professional growth and want to see you get all the support you need at every level of growth!
We are honored to be a part of your journey.

Here you will find courses that help you start and build your coaching business online, teach mindfulness principals and help you become the Limitless woman you are destined to be. So dive in and enjoy the transformation!

"Cynthia helped me find the best part of myself. You think you understand yourself until you do some of her wonderful exercises.

They really give you that full picture on who you are and your value in life. I am very grateful that she has become part of my routine. I can only succeed now with her guidance. Thank you!"


"Dearest Cynthia. Just a note to say "Thank You" for all your help!

You are a very easy person to talk to even when you ask the hard questions! Thank you for the "focus". You are so precious, a rare gem in the world of healing. Thank you for really caring and for the peace and calming oil! Love, Victoria."


Welcome beautiful!


Hi, I’m Cynthia!

As a Transformational Mindset and Alignment Coach, I’ve been dedicated to the emotional, spiritual, and physical and financial well-being of women for over twenty years.

I'm so glad you dropped by! I have been a transformational coach for over 20 years and I have a deep passion to help empower women to create a Limitless lifestyle as well as financial freedom. 

How do I do this?

I seamlessly blend my intuitive wisdom with extensive training in Naturopathy, Meditation, Manifestation, NLP, Reiki, Hypnosis, and many other modalities. My expertise goes beyond, as I skillfully guide women in overcoming emotional and energetic barriers to achieve healing and success. As a marketing and business consultant tailored for online female-led businesses, I bring a unique fusion of holistic wellness and strategic entrepreneurship to empower women on their transformative journey and generate wealth.

I currently work virtually with clients individually and in my group programs. My signature courses are Intentional Business Academy and The Limitless Woman Immersion.

I am passionate about working with women ready to elevate their self-worth, self-esteem, energy, and health and interested in learning how to create an intentional, aligned, optimal life and financial abundance!

With a distinguished career spanning over 20 years, I have owned 7 businesses and I served as the visionary founder and co-owner of one of the largest integrative medicine facilities in East Texas, extending my expertise to clients globally. With a deep well of knowledge in both healing practices and business success, I have become a go-to authority in the field.

I am a co-author of an Amazon Bestseller book called “Life Shifts- Women’s Stories of Surrendering to and Rising Above Life’s Challenges.”

Ready to dive deeper and learn how I can support you?

Would you like to learn more? Schedule a call with me.
No sales pitch - just real conversation, heart to heart, to answer your questions and see how becoming a Limitless Woman can enhance your life!

Transformational Courses

Coaching Business Startup

This course is for you if you are a new coach who is starting out and wanting to get an online presence to begin to serve clients. This is for you if you desire to make your first 5k per month. This is the basic overview and strategies on beginning your online business.

Mindfulness For The Busy Woman

This course is the beginning course of learning how Mindfulness in your every day life can bring greater awareness and satisfaction and stress relief as well as an increase in joy and positivity.

Limitless Mindset

This course is the perfect gift you can give yourself to gain a powerful mindset so you can be the intentional creator of your life!